雨水 うすい
Usui-Rainwater- Since the beginning of Risshun, according to the calendar, spring has arrived, and the snow covering Mount Ena has also melted away. The snow has turned into rain, increasing the moisture in the soil with the melting snowwater. The ice has also thawed, flowing downstream into rivers, and I can feel that even the fields and vacant lots have become soft soil. This period marks the beginning of water circulation, a time when we can feel the changes in the natural world. It seems that the smell of the soil changes when there is abundant moisture. There are signs of plants beginning to bud and animals starting their activities. The chirping of birds has become more noticeable. Perhaps unconsciously, we are all waiting for spring. I feel vitality in the flowers and grasses among the withered vegetation. However, it's still a season when the cold lingers in the mountainous areas.

Strawberry Picking One of the seasonal words associated with rainwater is "strawberry." Strawberries evoke the arrival of spring. It is said that they have been cultivated in Japan since the Edo period. They are sweet and sour, juicy, and rich in nutrients such as vitamin C and folic acid. There are many strawberry farms with their own unique characteristics at the foot of Mt.Ena. At this time of year, both locals and tourists flock to make reservations for strawberry picking in search of ripe red strawberries. I wore a white shirt for strawberry picking, and it got stained red with the juiciness. It's embarrassing for an adult, but I couldn't help but get absorbed in it. This free paper cherishes the phrase "Shin Do Fu Ji," which means ‘you are what you eat’.While it is also used to mean that it's good to eat and live with what is from the land, I truly understood its meaning through strawberries during the rainwater season. When I couldn't eat anything due to being infected with the covid, the strawberries from the local farm were truly delicious. I felt my body rejoicing. I still vividly remember that what my body truly craves tastes delicious. I can hear the sound of the river flowing from the farm. I wonder what the name of this river, fed by the melting snowwater of the foothills of Mt. Ena, is. I wonder if there's a place to go down to it. My intellectual curiosity overflows like the melting snowwater.
私たちは恵那山のふもとでフリーペーパーを発行している任意団体です。本当の意味で“誰一人取り残されない”のは季節の移り変わりではないでしょうか。また美しい自然から、地域の強みや魅力を教えられているのは、私たちだとも感じています。 心を豊かにするこの地域のひとときを二十四節氣とともに発信。そしてこの地のスタートアップから、インタビューや寄稿を通したコンテンツは、恵那山の頂きより「ヤッホー!」と叫ぶように、多くの人々に届いたらいいなと思っています。
We are a voluntary organization that publishes free papers at the foot of Mt. Ena. Isn’t it the change of seasons that truly means that no one is left behind? I also feel that we are the ones who are taught the strengths and charms of the region by the beautiful nature. We will transmit a moment of this region that enriches the mind with 24 seasons. And I hope that the content through interviews and contributions from startups in this area will reach as many people as possible like shouting “Yo-ho!” from the top of Mt. Ena.